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The Rivet at Discovery Space Crowl


The mission of The Rivet is well-aligned with the goals of ENGINE of Central PA in that we are working hard to empower entrepreneurs through access to tools and embrace the creative spirit.

What is it?
The Rivet is a makerspace and community workshop that will be located in the garages attached to Discovery Space, the science center in State College, PA.

Who will use it?
• Programs and workshops available to teens and adults to learn how to make something for home or for fun, to gain a new skill, to learn how to use a new tool, to build a prototype, to test out a trade as a possible future career, etc.
• Entrepreneurs, hobbyists and artists can purchase day passes or memberships to use the tools for their own projects and prototypes during open hours.

Why the name and logo?
• Riveting programs are available throughout the year.
• Rivets connect materials; The Rivet will connect people to like-minded others.